Dear TCES Parents,
We hope you and your family have had a wonderful break and we wish you a happy new year!
We are very excited to have our Taylor Canyon students returning to school. I also want to share a few items with you. We continue to do our best to provide a great learning experience for your students. However, we have been experiencing some challenges with hiring staff. We currently have a need to fill a couple of openings at our school. Here are those work opportunities:
We are looking for a permanent substitute teacher.
We are looking for a playground staff assistant - 3 hours per day.
Office staff Assistant - 4 hours per day.
If you know someone who enjoys working with students and is a responsible worker please have them call me at 801-737-8952.
We also want to share some student reading data with you. Our state measures student reading by reporting what percent of students are reading at grade level benchmarks. They also report reading based on the percent of students who are experiencing typical growth. Our school reading goal is that 75% or more of our students have typical reading growth or better. The graph below shows that as a school we are doing slightly better then we were last year at this time for reading growth. However, we are still slightly under our yearly goal of 75%. We will continue to provide great reading instruction and support in order to reach our goal. We also want to encourage you to have your child read out loud on a regular basis at home. Together we can ensure that we reach our yearly reading goal.
Estimados padres de TCES,
Esperamos que usted y su familia hayan tenido un maravilloso descanso y les deseamos un feliz año nuevo.
Estamos muy emocionados de que nuestros estudiantes de Taylor Canyon regresen a la escuela. También quiero compartir algunos artículos con ustedes. Continuamos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para brindar una excelente experiencia de aprendizaje a sus estudiantes. Sin embargo, hemos experimentado algunos desafíos con la contratación de personal. Actualmente tenemos la necesidad de llenar un par de vacantes en nuestra escuela. Aquí están esas oportunidades laborales:
Buscamos un maestro sustituto permanente.
Estamos buscando un asistente de personal en el patio de recreo: 3 horas al día.
Asistente de la oficina: 4 horas al dia.
Si conoce a alguien a quien le guste trabajar con estudiantes y sea un trabajador responsable, pídales que me llamen al 801-737-8952.
También queremos compartir con usted algunos datos de lectura de los estudiantes. Nuestro estado mide la lectura de los estudiantes informando qué porcentaje de estudiantes está leyendo en los puntos de referencia del nivel de grado. También informan la lectura según el porcentaje de estudiantes que están experimentando un crecimiento típico. La meta de lectura de nuestra escuela es que el 75% o más de nuestros estudiantes tengan un crecimiento típico en lectura o mejor. El gráfico a continuación muestra que, como escuela, lo estamos haciendo un poco mejor que el año pasado en este momento para el crecimiento en lectura. Sin embargo, todavía estamos ligeramente por debajo de nuestra meta anual del 75%. Continuaremos brindando una excelente instrucción de lectura y apoyo para alcanzar nuestra meta. También queremos animarle a que su hijo lea en voz alta con regularidad en casa. Juntos podemos asegurarnos de alcanzar nuestra meta anual de lectura.
Attendance Expectations
General Information
- Bell Schedule
- Bus Schedule and Route
- Lunch Schedule
- Lunch and Breakfast Menus
- School Traffic Pattern
- Safe Routes To School (SRTS) Map
- Dress Code
- New Student Registration | Registración para Nuevos Estudiantes
- Smartphone App Information
- Air Quality Policy
- Recommended Temperatures for Outdoor Activities
Bell Schedule
Taylor Canyon Bell Schedule
- Breakfast............7:55-8:15 am
- Warning Bell...............8:15 am
- Tardy Bell...................8:20 am
- Ending Bell................3:05 pm
- Breakfast............7:55-8:15 am
- Warning Bell...............8:15 am
- Tardy Bell...................8:20 am
- Ending Bell................12:45 pm
Minimum Days
- 8:20-12:45 pm
Bus Schedule and Route
Lunch Schedule
Lunch and Breakfast Menus
School Traffic Pattern
At Taylor Canyon Elementary your child’s safety is our first priority. We are addressing the concerns parents have expressed about the traffic patterns of student drop off and pick up by making these necessary changes.
Red – Home address located North of 21st street- use the Oak street loading zone. All parents/guardians who are driving their students or car-pooling are to drive east from Harrison on 21st or 22nd street. Continue east until Fillmore, turn on Fillmore to Oak (1/2 block). Use the loading zone area on the south side of the school to pick-up or drop-off your student. This is a NO PARKING ZONE. There is a busy crosswalk on Oak, so watch for our students.
Blue – Home address located East of Fillmore - use the Oak street loading zone. All parents/guardians who are driving their students or car-pooling are to drive onto Oak to use the loading zone area on the south side of the school to pick-up or drop-off your student. This is a NO PARKING ZONE. There is a busy crosswalk on Oak, so watch for our students.
Green - South of Oak - use the Taylor Avenue loading zone. All parents/guardians who are driving their students or car-pooling are to drive onto Taylor Ave to use the loading zone area on the west side of the school to pick-up or drop-off your student. This is a NO PARKING ZONE. There is a busy crosswalk on Taylor Avenue adjacent to Oak Street. Please be very
cautious and watch for pedestrians, as they have the right of way. The safety of our students is paramount.
Yellow - West of Taylor - use the Taylor Avenue loading zone. All parents/guardians who are driving their students or car-pooling are to drive onto Taylor Ave to usethe loading zone area on the west side of the school to pick-up or drop-off your student. This is a NO PARKING ZONE. There is a busy crosswalk on Taylor Avenue adjacent to Oak Street. Please be very
cautious and watch for pedestrians, as they have the right of way. The safety of our students is paramount.
Orange - Kindergarten - use the 21st Street loading zone. All parents/guardians who are driving their Kindergarten students or car-pooling are to drive onto 21st street to use the loading zone area on the north side of the school to pick-up or drop-off your student. This is a NO PARKING ZONE. All siblings of Kindergarten students may use this loading zone.
For after-school pick-up, please come between 2:40 – 2:50. Parking is prohibited in loading zones. This is one lane only. Do not make a second line down the street. Students will not be allowed to
go across traffic in order to get into a car.
Stay in your car and wait for your student. Move with the traffic.
Never park or stop in a crosswalk or intersection.
The parking lot on the North side of the school is for Faculty parking only. Please do not drop off your student in the parking lot.
If you need to visit with the teacher or the office, please park on the opposite side of the street from the school or in the church parking lot on Taylor Ave.
Make sure afternoon transportation arrangement have been made before your child arrives at school.
Morning drop-off times are 7:55 a.m. to 8:10 a.m.
Because of the lack of sidewalks, it is imperative that all drivers be on the look-out for students walking to and from school. Watch for students in the crosswalks on 21st and Taylor, 21st and Fillmore, Oak and Fillmore, Oak and Taylor, and 22nd and Taylor. Students may be walking close to the curb or in the street. Be aware of pedestrians at all times, but especially within crosswalks. They have the right away and children sometimes are unaware of traffic. Parent volunteers will help monitor the crosswalks at the end of each school day.
Thank you for your cooperation in making our school a safer place.
Safe Routes To School (SRTS) Map
These routes are provided as guidance for pedestrian traffic. Please help our students walk to school safely.
Dress Code
Taylor Canyon Dress Code
(Approved by the Community Council 10/13/2011)
Taylor Canyon Elementary follows the Ogden District Dress Standards in the Code of Conduct, which states:
The purpose of the district dress standard is to provide guidance for students to attend school in appropriate clothing that is safe, neat, clean and modest.
- Students should wear appropriate clothing that is modest. A student who wears clothing that exposes his or her chest, shoulders, midriff, lower back, or other parts of the body will immediately be asked to change his or her clothes. Refusal to do so will be considered an act of insubordination.
- Shorts and skirts must be mid‐thigh in length.
- Headgear, such as caps/hats, bandanas or sunglasses are inappropriate to wear indoors at school unless the student obtains prior written approval of the principal or the principal’s designee for an appropriate uniform (R.O.T.C. Scouts, etc.) or a medical condition requiring accommodation as demonstrated by a written note from a physician.
- Clothing appropriate for outdoor use, except officially accepted school letter jackets/sweaters, should not be worn indoors without prior approval from the school’s administration.
- Footwear is required to be worn.
- Offensive or obscene clothing will not be worn at school including slogans or logos that depict: 1. Controlled substances: alcohol, drugs and tobacco. 2. Foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language.
3. Sexual overtones.
4. Excessive violence. - Clothing, makeup or hairstyles that are disruptive to the instructional process may be considered inappropriate and restricted by the school staff/administration.
- Clothing or paraphernalia that is interpreted by the building administration as “gang related” is prohibited. Specific items for Taylor Canyon Elementary Dress Code
- Flip‐flops may not be worn to school due to possible injury on the playground.
- Hoodies can be worn to school and in the building as long as the hood is off head once entering the building.
- Snow‐pants can be worn inside the school building during the winter. Younger students have a hard time getting in and out of them from recess to recess. Parents should make sure that the snow‐pants are easily removed for hygienic purposes.
- Bare midriffs, tank tops, halter tops or other revealing clothing will not be worn at school. If your child raises his/her arms and any skin on the torso shows, the shirt is too short.
- Shorts and skirts must meet the tips of the fingers when arms are to the side of the student. Skirt, dress, and short length still apply even if leggings are worn underneath. Any holes in pants must be below the fingers when arms are to the side of the student.
- Sleepwear, pajama pants, or slippers are not allowed at school.
- Hair shall be worn in a clean and well‐groomed manner. Mohawks are acceptable if not higher than an inch or combed down. Salon/permanent coloring is acceptable if not extreme and disruptive.
- Visible body piercing, other than ears, is not allowed. Earrings that make a large hole (gauging) in the ear are not allowed.
- No graffiti or pen markings on clothing or exposed skin. Dress Code Enforcement
- Students will not be allowed to turn shirts inside out to avoid detection of dress code violations.
- The first and second offense, students will call home and get clothing that meets the dress code or find something in our Sunshine Closet to replace the clothing.
- The third offense, student will be sent home and may not return until a meeting is held with the parent.
- The fourth offense, student/parent would probably be referred to the district.
New Student Registration | Registración para Nuevos Estudiantes
Smartphone App Information
Air Quality Policy
What will the school do?
We will check the Particulate Matter (PM2.5) levels. This information will guide our outdoor physical activities.
- When the PM2.5 level falls between 35.5 and 55.4, we will let “sensitive” students stay indoors.
- When the PM2.5 level falls between 55.5 and 90, we will let “sensitive” students and students experiencing respiratory symptoms, such as with a cold or allergies, stay indoors.
- When the PM2.5 level rises above 90, outdoor recess will be cancelled for all children and alternative play/exercise opportunities will be offered indoors.
What should parents do?
Parents, with advice from your health care provider, need to contact the school secretary or nurse if your child is “sensitive” to poor air quality.
- Sensitive children may include those with significant or poorly controlled asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, compromised immune systems, or other respiratory problems.
For your information:
The daily PM2.5 level is located at
Additional information on air quality guidance for schools is located at
- We are committed to providing a safe and healthy school environment for your child. Please contact the school if you have questions about this issue.
Recommended Temperatures for Outdoor Activities
The green condition suggests the temperatures at which it is safe for children to play outdoors comfortably. At these temperatures children shouldn't be displaying any overtly hot or cold signs. In the colder months, this condition is between 40 degrees and 32 degrees Fahrenheit when the wind is between 0 and 15 miles per hour. In the warmer months, the green condition suggests that children can play comfortably outdoors when the temperature is between 80 and 89 degrees.
When temperatures reach the yellow condition, you should use caution when deciding how long children should spend outdoors. Closely observe the children for any signs of them being too hot or too cold. When it's cold outside, the yellow condition sets temperatures of between 30 degrees and 13 degrees Fahrenheit when the wind speeds are between 0 and 40 mph. When it's warm outside, child care providers should show caution when the temperatures are between 90 and 103 degrees.
The red condition defines the temperatures that are not recommended for outdoor child play. Most children should not play outside in these temperatures due to the health risk. In the winter months, these temperatures are anything below 9 degrees Fahrenheit no matter what the wind speed is. In the summer months, the red condition states that it can be very dangerous for children to play outside when the temperature is above 100 degrees.
The green, yellow and red conditions are only general suggestions. Each child may
show slightly different temperatures that they are susceptible to. Therefore, it's important to always monitor children when they are playing to ensure they are dressed appropriately, drinking enough water and using any necessary precautions, such as sunscreen. Pay special attention to infant behavior because they can't tell you if they are too hot or too cold; however, most will become fussy if they are uncomfortable. You may need to take a firm approach with some older children as they may not want to take the proper precautions, such as wearing enough clothing and drinking enough fluids.
Winter Temperatures
Even temperatures above freezing can cause hypothermia if you are chilled, damp, or over-exerted. For the most part, dressing warmly and limiting exposure will protect you in temperatures above and near freezing. Be sure to consider wind chill: even an actual air temperature of 40 degrees can feel as cold as 34 to 25 degrees in wind speeds between 10 and 60 miles per hour, for example. Most adults can sense when they have been outdoors too long and go inside. Children, on the other hand, are easily distracted, often more active, and lose heat more easily from their skin, putting them at a greater risk of frost-nip. Common symptoms are flushing, or a numb and tingly sensation at exposed extremities: fingers, noses, ears and toes. If the skin becomes hard or waxy in texture, it may have progressed to frostbite. Bring the affected person inside to a warm, dry environment and call a doctor immediately. Do not attempt to use direct heat or rubbing to warm the person.
Safety Precautions
Children should always be supervised, warmly dressed, and shielded from the sun when playing outside in winter. Reflection from the snow can cause sunburns even on cloudy days. Keep children close to home in case a sudden storm develops.
Parent Information
- Parent Engagement | Participación de los Padres
- School, Parent, Student Compact | Acuerdo de Estudiante-Escuela-Padre (Tutor)
- Student Code of Conduct | Código de Conducta del Estudiante
- Internet Acceptable Use Policy
- Field Trip Permission Form | Permiso Para Paseos Escolares
- Health Status Form | Forma de Estado de Salud
- Parent/Guardian SIS Access (HOW TO) | Cómo Registrarse Para el Acceso de Contacto
- School Plan
Parent Engagement | Participación de los Padres
School, Parent, Student Compact | Acuerdo de Estudiante-Escuela-Padre (Tutor)
- School Responsibilities
- Parent(s) or Guardian(s) Responsibilities
- Student Responsibilities
- Acuerdo de Estudiante-Escuela-Padre (Tutor)
School Responsibilities
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards as follows: All Teachers and staff will:
- Encourage and support student learning by making informed decisions.
- Respectfully, frequently, and accurately inform parents of their child’s progress.
- Have high expectations for students and be committed to continuous growth for the teacher, staff, and the school.
- Respect cultural differences of students, their families and other staff members.
- Help students resolve conflicts in positive, nonviolent ways.
- Coordinate efforts with other staff to support the success of each child.
- Create a caring, inclusive, stimulating, and safe school/classroom setting.
Hold parent-teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.
- Conferences held twice per year at each building. Notification will be sent with information about the conferences.
- Conferences can be arranged at a mutually agreed upon time with the teacher and parent/guardian. Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows:
- Progress reports o (mid-term (October, January, March)
- Grade reports are distributed to parents/guardians at the end of each marking period.
- Electronic Parent Portal (SIS) updated (SIS will be updated weekly, parents will contact principal if not updated), providing parents with access to students’ grades and attendance information. Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents as follows:
Parents may email or call teacher at any time.
o A staff contact list is available on our website
o Parents may contact the teacher directly or the main office to schedule an appointment with staff Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and to observe classroom activities, as follows:
o Parents will be invited and encouraged to visit and volunteer through monthly principal newsletter
o Parents are welcome to email or call teacher for volunteer opportunities
o Parents may contact main office to learn about volunteer opportunities
o Parents may volunteer to help with field trips, classroom activities, clubs, etc.
Parent(s) or Guardian(s) Responsibilities
I/we will support our children’s learning in the following ways:
- Monitor attendance
- Ensure homework is completed
- Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my child’s education
- Attend scheduled conferences and appointments
- Promote positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.
- Stay informed about my child’s education and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate.
- Serve, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups
Student Responsibilities
As a student I will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the state’s high standards. Specifically, I will:
- Always perform my best in my work and in my behavior.
- Work cooperatively with my classmates and teachers.
- Show respect for myself, my school, teachers, and others.
- Obey the school and bus rules.
- Take pride in my school and school work.
- Come to school prepared with my homework and supplies
- Believe that I can and will learn.
- Give my parents/guardians all notices and information
Acuerdo de Estudiante-Escuela-Padre (Tutor)
La escuela, alineado con las normas relativas a los programas financiados por el Título I, Parte A de la Ley de Educación Primaria y Secundaria (ESEA) (niños participantes), apoya este acuerdo que explica cómo los padres, todo el personal del distrito / escuela , y los estudiantes compartirán la responsabilidad de mejorar el rendimiento académico del estudiante y los medios por los cuales la escuela y los padres construirán y desarrollarán una asociación que ayudará a los niños a alcanzar los altos estándares del estado.
Responsabilidades de la escuela
Proveer un plan de estudio de alta calidad e instrucción en un ambiente de aprendizaje propicio y eficaz que permita a los niñosparticipantes a cumplir los estándares académicos del estado de la siguiente manera: Todos los maestros y personal:
• Fomentar y apoyar el aprendizaje del estudiante, tomando decisiones de inform.
• Respetuosamente, informar a los padres con frecuencia, y con precisión sobre el progreso de sus hijos.
• Tener altas expectativas para los estudiantes y estar comprometidos con el crecimiento continuo del profesor, el personal, y la escuela.
• Respetar las diferencias culturales de los estudiantes, sus familias y otros miembros del personal.
• Ayudar a los estudiantes a resolver conflictos en forma positiva, no violentas.
• Coordinar esfuerzos con el resto del personal para apoyar el éxito de cada niño.
• Crear un ambiente de interés, estimulo, y seguridad escolar/ salón de clase.
Llevar a cabo conferencias de padres y maestros donde este acuerdo se discutirá en lo que se refiere al logro individual del niño.
- Las conferencias se celebran dos veces al año en cada edificio. Se enviara notificación con información sobre las conferencias.
- Las conferencias se pueden hacer de mutuo acuerdo, con tiempo, con el maestro y el padre / tutor
Proporcionar a los padres informes frecuentes sobre el progreso de sus hijos.
Específicamente, la escuela proporcionará reportes de la siguiente manera:
- Los informes de progreso serán enviados a los padres dentro de dos semanas después de cada trimestre. Los padres pueden ponerse en contacto con la oficina si no se reciben esos reportes.
- Las notas de calificaciones se distribuyen a los padres / tutores al final de cada período de calificaciones.
- El portal electrónico de Padres (SIS) se actualizará semanalmente proporcionando a los padres acceso a las calificaciones de sus estudiantes y la información de asistencia. Los padres pueden comunicarse con la oficina si las calificaciones no se actualizan con regularidad.
Proporcionar a los padres acceso razonable al personal.
En concreto, el personal estará disponible para consultas con los padres de la siguiente manera:
- Los padres pueden enviar por correo electrónico o llamar al maestro en cualquier momento.
- Una lista de contactos personal está disponible en nuestro sitio web.
- Los padres pueden ponerse en contacto con la oficina principal para hacer una cita con el personal
Proporcionar a los padres oportunidades para servicio voluntario y participación en la clase de sus hijos y observar las actividades del salón, de la siguiente manera:
- Los padres serán invitados y alentados a visitar y voluntarizarse a través del boletín principal mensual.
- Los padres son bienvenidos a enviar correos electrónico o llamar al maestro para oportunidades de voluntariado.
- Los padres pueden ponerse en contacto con la oficina principal para aprender acerca de oportunidades de voluntariado.
- Los padres pueden ser voluntarios para ayudar con las excursiones, actividades de clase, clubes, etc.
Responsabilidad de los padres:
Yo/nosotros apoyaremos el aprendizaje de nuestros niños de las siguientes maneras:
- Revisar la asistencia.
- Asegurar que se cumpla con la tarea.
- Participar, según corresponda, en las decisiones relativas a la educación de mi hijo
- Asistir a conferencias y citas programadas.
- Promover el uso positivo del tiempo extracurricular de mi hijo.
- Mantenerme informado sobre la educación de mi hijo y comunicado con la escuela de inmediato al leer todos los avisos de la escuela o del distrito escolar ya sea recibido por mi hijo o por correo, y responder, según corresponda. Servir, en la medida posible, en grupos de asesoramiento.
Responsabilidades del Estudiante:
Yo, como estudiante, comparto la responsabilidad de mejorar mi rendimiento académico y alcanzar los altos estándares del estado. En concreto, yo:
- Siempre hare lo mejor en mi trabajo y en mi comportamiento.
- Trabajare cooperativamente con mis compañeros y profesores.
- Mostrare respeto por mí mismo, mi escuela, maestros, y otros.
- Obedeceré las reglas de la escuela y del autobús.
- Estaré complacido de mi escuela y del trabajo escolar.
- Asistiré a la escuela preparado con mi tarea y artículos necesarios.
- Creer que puedo y voy a aprender.
- Dar a mis padres / tutores todos los avisos e información.
Student Code of Conduct | Código de Conducta del Estudiante
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Field Trip Permission Form | Permiso Para Paseos Escolares
Health Status Form | Forma de Estado de Salud
Parent/Guardian SIS Access (HOW TO) | Cómo Registrarse Para el Acceso de Contacto
Contacts with web access to their children may create their own account to access all of their associated children’s academic information. If you do not already have an account created by yourself, then click on Request a USERNAME from the SIS Login screen. As shown below.
You will then need to know one of your children’s Student ID along with their associated date of birth. Then click on “Lookup Student” .
The next screen will present the available contact names. Click on the contact that represents your name. Then type in a username that you would like to use as your login. Also type your password you would like to use and confirm the password. And finally check the box that certifies you are who you say you are. Then click “Create Account”.
That is it. Your account is now created and you can login with these credentials to view your children’s grades, attendance, tardy, missing assignments, email the child’s teacher, update your address, phone number and contact information. You can also subscribe to receive daily or weekly emails with grades, attendance, tardys and missing assignments.
Contactos con acceso web para sus hijos. Puede crear su propia cuenta para acceder a la
información académica de sus hijos.
Contactos con acceso web para sus hijos. Puede crear su propia cuenta para acceder a la información académica de sus hijos.
Si no tiene una cuenta creada por usted, entonces de clic en "Request Username" desde la pantalla de inicio de sesión SIS como se muestra abajo.
Necesitará saber el número de ID de su hijo(s) y la fecha de nacimiento . Despues de clic en “Lookup Student”
La siguiente pantalla mostrará los nombres de contacto disponibles. Haga clic en el contacto que representará su nombre. A continuación escriba un nombre de usuario que desee utilizar como nombre de usuario. Escriba su contraseña y confirmela escribiendola de nuevo. Después de clic en el cuadrito blanco donde certifica que usted es quien dice ser. Para finzalizar haga clic en “Create Account”
Eso es todo. Su cuenta ya está creada y puede acceder para ver las calificaciones de sus hijos, asistencia, retardos, tareas no entregadas, correo electrónico del maestro(s), actualizar su información de contacto, tal como dirección, teléfono, etc. También puede subscribirse para recibir diaria o semanalmente las calificaciones, asistencia, retardos y tareas no entregadas.
School Plan
Communicating With Ogden School District
Ogden School District and its schools support conservation through decreased use of paper communication and increased use of electronic communication. Electronic communication is particularly vital in the event of an emergency.
Parents and guardians are urged to provide a phone number (preferably a cellular phone number) and an email address to their student's school and to update the school any time the phone number or email address changes.
Parents and guardians who do not currently have an email account can learn how to create a free email account by clicking here.
Las instrucciones en español para crear una dirección de correo electrónico gratuita se pueden encontrar haciendo clic aquí.
Contact Us:
2130 Taylor Canyon Avenue, Ogden, UT 84401
Office: 801-737-8950
Fax: 801-737-8954