Registration 2022-2023

Follow the instructions below to register as a returning student or new student.
School staff will be available to offer registration support at the end of July-beginning of August. For more information please contact the school office or contact Ogden School District at 801-737-7300.

Student is currently or was previously enrolled in Ogden School District

Returning student registration is intended for any student who has ever previously attended Ogden School District.
This includes students matriculating from kindergarten to 1st grade, matriculating from elementary to junior high or matriculating from junior high to high school.

We have big news about school registration!

Ogden School is excited to announce a new and improved student information system (SIS), Infinite Campus. This means better tools for teachers and parents to stay engaged with each student's education. The new system will replace Aspire. Infinite Campus will be in place later this summer for families to register students for the 2022-2023 school year.

It is important for families to know that our new registration process will require parents and guardians to provide a current email address. Parents can create a free email address here.

Student has never been enrolled in Ogden School District

A student who has never previously attended Ogden School District will need documentation which includes the student's Birth Certificate, Immunization records and Proof of Residence.


  • Parent/Guardian identification (e.g. drivers license, passport)
  • Parent/Guardian email address
  • Proof of Residency (e.g. utility bill, water bill) in parent/guardian's name
  • Certified copy of student's birth certificate or official state birth certificate including notarization or official seal (the birth notice from a hospital is not sufficient)
  • Student's current immunization records

Registro 2021-2022

Siga las instrucciones a continuación para registrarse como estudiante que regresa o estudiante nuevo.
El personal de la escuela estará disponible para ofrecer ayuda para la inscripción después del 30 de julio de 2021. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con la oficina con el Distrito Escolar de Ogden 801-737-7300


El estudiante está o estuvo inscrito anteriormente en el Distrito Escolar de Ogden


El registro de estudiantes que regresan es para cualquier estudiante que haya asistido anteriormente al Distrito Escolar de Ogden. 
Esto incluye a los estudiantes que se matriculan desde kindergarten hasta el primer grado, se matriculan desde la primaria hasta la secundaria o se matriculan desde la escuela intermedia hasta la secundaria.

Los padres o guardianes deben iniciar sesión en el portal del sistema de información del estudiante (ASPIRE) como padre, no como estudiante (consulte las instrucciones a continuación). Si no puede iniciar sesión en Aspire o crear una cuenta de padre, deben comunicarse con la escuela de su hijo para obtener ayuda. La información de contacto se encuentra en la parte inferior del sitio web de cada escuela.


El estudiante nunca ha estado inscrito en el Distrito Escolar de Ogden


Un estudiante que nunca antes haya asistido al Distrito Escolar de Ogden necesitará documentación que incluye el certificado de nacimiento del estudiante, los registros de inmunización y la prueba de residencia.


  • Identificación del padre/guardián (por ejemplo, licencia de conducir, pasaporte)
  • Comprobante de residencia (por ejemplo, factura de servicios públicos, factura de agua) al nombre del padre/guardián
  • Copia certificada del acta de nacimiento del estudiante o acta de nacimiento oficial del estado, incluyendo la certificación notarial o el sello oficial (el aviso de nacimiento de un hospital no es suficiente)
  • Registros de inmunización del estudiante

Los padres o guardianes deben iniciar sesión en el portal del sistema de información del estudiante (ASPIRE) como padre, no como estudiante (consulte las instrucciones a continuación). Si no puede iniciar sesión en Aspire o crear una cuenta de padre, deben comunicarse con la escuela de su hijo para obtener ayuda. La información de contacto se encuentra en la parte inferior del sitio web de cada escuela.

Taylor Canyon Elementary is a magnet school for accelerated students in the Weber County area. It is also a neighborhood school for the boundary area.

Taylor Canyon is a school of Excellence using the 8 Keys of Excellence program. This program helps students and teachers focus on 8 values that everyone uses in their daily routine of life. The 8 Keys are Integrity (values and behavior), Failure Leads to Success (the sweet smell of success), Speak with Good Purpose (kind with our words), This is It! (chin up for a good attitude), Commitment (hard work is hard), Ownership (own what is within you), Flexibility (go with the flow), and Balance (keep it even). We have had great success in helping students with examples of people in history who have shown success in the values.

Books with diploma on top iconOur school has many activities that students have access to after school. Our school is the reigning STEM League champions for 5th and 6th grade students. STEM afterschool programs are available to any 5th or 6th grade student who would like to participate. 3rd and 4th grade students also have an opportunity to attend a STEM after school club. Our other clubs are Garden club, Chess club, Lego club, Art club, STEM Olympiad, and our Theatre program sponsored by the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program and our Ogden School District Foundation. Teachers also provide tutoring for students wanting or needing extra help in Language Arts and Math.

The accelerated students attend the Advanced Learning Academy within Taylor Canyon Elementary. The Advanced Learning Academy (ALA) extends the curriculum based on student ability. The Academy has a performance choir for 1st-2nd grade and 3rd-6th grade. These choirs perform at various venues throughout the city as well as at our school. The 1st & 2nd grade group puts on a Holiday play in December each year. The 6th grade puts on a Shakespeare play at the end of the year, supported by the Theatre club for a dinner theatre. Extra field trips are extended to the Academy through the Parent Committee. Parents make a donation to the program to help pay for the extra activities.

Waterford UPSTART provides four-year-old children access to the highest form of academic support in their early education at no cost to participantspersonalized family education and coaching, a new computer and Internet if needed, and adaptive educational software

The average Waterford UPSTART graduate enters kindergarten reading at nearly a first-grade level and maintains their gains for years to come.


Internet Access at Home

Home WiFi Icon


Families may qualify for discounted home internet service* for personal use from an independent vendor by visiting or contacting 855-846-8376

Families may request a wireless internet access device** (hotspot) for school use by completing the linked form and submitting it to the student’s school.

*This program is not affiliated with Ogden School District
**Subject to qualifying terms and availability

Afterschool Programs

Afterschool clubs will last one hour beginning at 2:45 p.m. Please pick up your student promptly at 3:45 p.m. at the south door.
All grades are welcome!